Monday, April 11, 2011

Introducing "Gesture Notes"

Gesture Notes is a powerful multimedia note-taking iPhone/iPod Touch app. It allows the users to take notes in multiple formats -- text, voice, and picture -- all in one convenient app.

What really distinguishes Gesture Notes from other note-taking apps is the way it allows its users to access their notes. Gesture Notes sports two innovative convenient methods: tagging and motion gesture recognition (this explains its name!).

The users can tag their notes with any number of names. It's the same concept as Gmail's labels. This allows them to organize the notes in whatever way they want and be able to very quickly access them later. With tags, a note is no longer unnecessarily cast into just one category as usually found in the folder metaphor.

The most prominent feature of Gesture Notes is the motion gesture recognition. The users can associate each note (usually the ones they often access) with a motion gesture! It is as simple as holding the iPhone/iPod Touch and wave their hand and arm in various directions, however they like, to create a simple unique gesture. Gesture Notes features a
state-of-the-art and surprisingly accurate pattern recognition algorithm that can analyze in real time the signature of the gesture and later recognize it with very high accuracy. You will believe when you try it. This motion gesture recognition comes very handy when the users are not in the situation that they can easily use the touch screen, like when driving or on the run. Check out this video!

As in other note-taking apps, Gesture Notes also supports the traditional text search that the users can type in search keywords and the list of the notes that contain the keywords will instantly show up.

Gesture Notes is designed from day 1 to be super simple and focus on usability of the app and accessibility to the notes. With the support of multimedia notes, tagging, and motion gesture recognition, one will never want to go back to other traditional note-taking apps they have ever used again!

Here are the screen shots of the app. Click on it to view bigger size.

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